Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics: Journal of the Korean Econometric Society
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Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics
Journal of the Korean Econometric Society

Effects of Economic Policy Uncertainty Shocks on the Macroeconomy and Financial Markets: Evidence from Korea

Vol.34, No.2, June , 93–132

English Version |  Korean Version
  •   (Sungkyunkwan University)

  •   (Korea Institute of Finance)


This study analyzes the effects of category-specific economic policy uncertainty (EPU) shocks, which are extracted based on text analysis, on the macroeconomy and financial markets in Korea. The estimation results reveal that the effects appear to be distinct, depending on the type of EPU shocks. Shocks to monetary policy uncertainty (MPU) and foreign exchange policy uncertainty (FXPU) lead to a decrease in real GDP, employment, and stock prices, and a depreciation of the Korean won. Shocks to fiscal policy uncertainty (FPU) affect the macroeconomy and financial markets to a less extent. However, shocks to trade policy uncertainty (TPU) appear to have little impact on the Korean markets. Taking into account to the estimation results, it would be recommended for policymakers to focus more on reducing MPU and FXPU since shocks to MPU and FXPU may lead to a decrease in real GDP and employment and the heightened volatility in equity and FX markets.

   Economic Policy Uncertainty Shocks, Macroeconomy, Equity Market, Foreign Exchange Market

JEL classification codes
   C43, E32, E66, G18
