
Call for Papers for the East Asian Economic Review

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  • 8,589
  • 17-05-01
With great pleasure, the East Asian Economic Review is welcoming submissions.

The East Asian Economic Review is an economic journal, for the promotion of interdisciplinary research on international economics. Published as a quarterly by the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, a Korean government-funded economic think-tank, the Journal is global in perspective and covers both theory and empirical research.
The Journal aims to facilitate greater understanding of all issues pertinent to diverse economies of East Asia through publication of rigorous analyses by renowned experts in the field. The EAER connects policy and theory, providing empirical analyses and practical policy suggestions for the economies in the region.

The East Asian Economic Review brings together articles from many different realms of economics at both regional and global levels. Issues relevant to East Asia's diverse economy are the major focuses. Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Trade and Investment Issues • Economic Integration • APEC • ASEAN • ASEM • International Finance • Liberalization of Financial Services and Capital • International Cooperation for Korean Unification

*EAER Abstracting and Indexing Services
The East Asian Economic Review is indexed and abstracted in EconLit, e-JEL, JEL on CD, OCLC WorldCat, ProQuest, Google Scholar, ECONIS, EconBiz, EBSCO, British Library, SSRN, RePEc, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resource (ROAD) and registered to Ulrichsweb, ITS·MARC, CrossRef, ORCiD, SHERPA/RoMEO and Korea Citation Index.

Refer to our website www.eaerweb.org
and Click “Submission” menu at the top of the main page.

The Journal is published every March, June, September and December of each year and submissions are accepted for review on an ongoing basis (No specific deadline).

We have introduced a "fast-track" system, which takes four to five weeks on average from submission to the first round review in order to provide quick and authoritative decisions to the authors. In general, the Journal's manuscript decision process includes submission, editorial decision on whether the paper should be reviewed, peer review, decisions after review, revision, acceptance in principle, final submission and acceptance, proofs, advance online publication, and print publication.

For further information regarding submission,
Contact EAER Editorial Office:
[30147] 3rd Floor, Building C, Sejong National Research Complex, 370 Sicheong-daero, Sejong-si, Korea.
Tel: 82-44-414-1171/1251 FAX: 82-44-414-1044
Email: eaer@kiep.go.kr
Website: www.eaerweb.org />
The East Asian Economic Review Award is given annually to articles that have made exemplary contributions to advance the public as well as academic understanding of international economics. Every article published in the Journal is given an honorarium of KRW 2,500,000; and annual nominations for the outstanding and noteworthy articles include KRW 5,000,000 prize and a detailed nomination statement describing how the selected papers have contributed to the knowledge of international economics

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