
2021년 4월 27일 세미나 공지 (4월 27일, 오후 4시)

존경하옵는 계량경제학회 회원님,

한국계량경제학회 계량분과 2021년 제2차 정기세미나를 알려드리고자 서신드립니다. 

홍콩중문대학 경제학계의 Qingliang Michael Fan 교수님께서 다음의 논문을 발표하실 예정입니다. 

제목: Endogenous Treatment Effect Estimation with some Invalid and Irrelevant Instruments

시간: 4월 27일 (화요일) 오후 4시

장소: Zoom 미팅

암호: 126278

회의 ID: 898 6083 5899

줌링크: https://yonsei.zoom.us/j/89860835899?pwd=SDhiSHRNNFhqa3JJVk5BeU9YRWVUUT09  

논문:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qfcnVhH1R2ZRT6FunrA40u0XOvbi3tld

세미나 홈페이지: https://sites.google.com/d/1JtvT65FniXxOOi_XXN7_TGhuSMcTwE4g/p/1DdaOa63Axh2CrYceyY27ZlH1N-nkzEZk/edit

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참고로 정기 3차 세미나는 5월 10일에 예정되어 있고, 5월 3일에 공지할 예정입니다. 

그리고 새로운 논문을 발표하실 의향이 있으시면 언제든지 알려주십시오. 

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Instrumental variables (IV) regression is a popular method for the estimation of the endogenous treatment e ects. Conventional IV methods require all the instruments are relevant and valid. However, this is impractical especially in high-dimensional models when we consider a large set of candidate IVs. In this paper, we propose an IV estimator robust to the existence of both the invalid and irrelevant instruments (called R2IVE) for the estimation of endogenous treatment effects. This paper extends the scope of sisVIVE (Kang et al., 2016) by considering a true high-dimensional IV model and a nonparametric reduced form equation. It is shown that our procedure can select the relevant and valid instruments consistently and the proposed R2IVE is root-n consistent and asymptotically normal. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that the R2IVE performs favorably compared to the existing high-dimensional IV estimators (such as, NAIVE (Fan and Zhong, 2018) and sisVIVE (Kang et al., 2016)) when invalid instruments exist. In the empirical study, we revisit the classic question of trade and growth (Frankel and Romer, 1999).

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